The Heart Of Metaphysics Program
I created the "Heart Of Metaphysics" spiritual courses for you... so that you too can have this extraordinary higher knowledge that was given to me many years ago . Metaphysical Science holds so many answers to life... answers we're all looking for! This divine wisdom holds the key to true soul-life-connection and a higher way of living. It is GOLD! Rev. Christine💜
These courses are also offered as a Certificate Program in the Heart Of Metaphysics Certificate Program. If you choose to do the courses individually... they are best done in order of suggestion.
1. Your Tube Of Light consists of electronic energy which drops down around you forming a tunnel of light. This creates a high vibrational force...
4. The Heart Of The Higher Self blends the lower heart with the higher heart. This blending of higher vibrational love permeates your physical body which...
2. The Violet Flame is a highly purifying spiritual flame which can be consciously invoked to cleanse and transmute the four lower bodies, which raises the rate...
5. The I AM Presence is your highest beloved, all-knowing intelligence. The Chart Of Your Divine Self clearly shows the sacredness of life and the path to...
3. Your Higher Self holds greater spiritual understanding about your life purpose and the higher laws of how to live a connected, successful and happy life...
The five courses above are from The Heart Of Metaphysics Program. They are of the most divine essence and superior intelligence of the universal laws of life. They have an enlivening and raising affect on your mind, body, heart and soul.
I strongly suggest that you do the courses in order. Each course can be done individually or you can do them as a complete program. You can also join our Certificate Training for "The Heart Of Metaphysics Program" which takes in Level 1, 2, 3.
These courses are the based on the discourses and wisdom of the Masters that have gone before us. I have also included some of my own personal experiences too, for the purpose of giving you further insight into the interactions and guidance available to you through consciously developing this higher and glorious part of yourself.
The courses show the enormity of your soul and its connections to higher, vibrational dimensions that exist within you.
You're given step by step instructions on how to connect and engage with your Higher Self and your Highest Presence, so you can open your spiritual channel more widely, and enter into a higher way of living.
Understanding who you are at a deeper level, and choosing to integrate these spiritual laws into your daily life expands your connection to your Higher Self. Becoming consciously soul-connected is the peaceful, successful and intelligent way to live!