I'm an anxiety and panic attack survivor myself!!! Rev. Christine
See my recommendations below.
I created The Breathing Shift course for you! The Breathing Shift teaches you exactly HOW to breathe for anxiety, stress, overwhelm and every type of challenge you could possibly face in your life. This type of breathing also opens the connection to your Higher Power and brings stillness to the emotions and clarity to the mind.
I suffered with debilitating anxiety and severe panic attacks! I didn't know what was happening to me and IT WAS TERRIFYING!
I've coached many thousands of people with anxiety, trauma and life challenges for over 30 years. I've designed this online course so that you can learn how to instantly alter your feelings of anxiety and distress, and consciously bring yourself into alignment, calm and balance. Learning to balance yourself from the inside is a skill that can be easily learned. Once you know how to do it... you'll use it for all life decisions and challenges! I do! It just becomes a part of you... a powerful and confident part of you!
Most people are not only tight, shallow, chest breathers, but also breathe up-side-down! That needs to be corrected! The Breathing Shift teaches you step by step what to do and how to do it... and you'll be amazed at your new level of self awareness! You'll have more mental self control and emotional stability. Breath awareness brings a new freedom into your life!
Your breath is your magic super power!
You MUST learn to breathe correctly if you are experiencing anxiety!
Learning how to breathe well was a Godsend for me and for many thousands of people I've taught.
You may not realise it (I didn't) but you're breathing definitely needs attention if you're experiencing anxiety.
Read what people are saying about THE BREATHING SHIFT!
Philippa P
Christine, I just wanted to let you know that I am so happy with the result from The Breathing Shift Course. I didn't realise how much I hold my breath!
I've been practicing every day and have noticed a change in my anxiety and my awareness. I'm "catching" myself and changing my breathing and it's working! Thank you so much!
Aaron S
Christine, I am so deeply appreciative of your guidance and teachings. My sessions with you have enabled me to finally understand and gain control of my anxiety, and given me the tools and access to the knowledge required to live a happier and more fulfilling life.
You are truly amazing:-)
Vanessa V
I absolutely loved The Breathing Shift! The course was so easy to follow and you explained things really well. You are so warm and kind as well. I have done the course twice through and I know that it's something I will refer back to.
Kristina S
Through practising the breathing, I’ve become aware of my tendency to hold my breath.
After doing the three part continuous breath exercise, I’m definitely feeling more anchored in my body, more spacious inside, more relaxed, less tired and clearer in my head.
I also know that I need to do more practise because I’ve become aware that there are times when my breath feels a bit stuck because my breathing muscles need to be retrained / stretched.
I can see why it’s your baseline signature course Christine as I’m definitely feeling the benefits of using this 3 part breathing technique mindfully. Your way of teaching takes breathing to another level.
This course should be taught to everybody at school because it’s so important and so beneficial. I’m excited and I’m looking forward to exploring what else comes with on-going daily practise. 🙏🏼🌹🦋
Your breath is the bridge to your soul!
Every unconscious, shallow breath you take adds to the anxiety, fear and doubt that disturbs your life.
A deep sense of calm and connection
Releasing anxiety, stress and overwhelm
Relief from general life chaos and struggle
Mental clarity and emotional balance
A sense of wellbeing and aliveness
It also brings very real spiritual benefits
A word from Rev. Christine
I want you to know... I had many years of debilitating anxiety, panic attacks, burnout, feeling lost and disconnected. I'VE BEEN THERE!!! That's why I created these courses... to help you!
The Breathing Shift... teaches you step by step EXACTLY how to breathe correctly and efficiently for any life situation you face! It's user friendly and I've put together live instruction videos for you as a BONUS with the course.
This way of breathing can be used for...
1. Stress and anxiety management
2. Calming the mind, emotions & body.
3. Connection to your soul and spiritual expansion!
You can feel confident in your ability to maintain balance in your life in all challenging situations when you know how to breathe correctly and with conscious awareness.
You get to work with life from the inside out. You can have a balanced internal environment no matter what ripples are happening in your outer environment. This is true empowerment!
Then you can live a more stabile, confident and soul connected life. A happier life!
Being aware of your breathing is vital for good health and wellness.
Breathing affects your mental and emotional wellbeing greatly.
Your breath contracts when you're under pressure. This action produces a build up of emotional and mental debris in the body. That's why you over react to certain events in your life. Correct breathing helps you to clear the mental and emotional reactions and return to a sate of calm and balance.
Most people don't breathe correctly. Learning to breathe well not only expands your awareness, it brings greater self confidence... because you then know how to change your breathing instantly to gain clarity of mind, balance in your emotions and order in your actions.
Your breath is the bridge to your soul. If your breathing is shut down, the connection to your higher being is blocked. Learning to breathe correctly opens the connection to your soul.
This video is a real client coaching session.. she was suffering with CHRONIC ANXIETY. It's been edited and reduced from an hour to approximately 8.5 mins.
There are some great tips for reducing ANXIETY and DISTRESS in this video.
If you are struggling with life challenges, stress, worry or anxiety, correcting your BREATHING is the first place to start.
The Breathing Shift course teaches you how to breathe correctly... so you can feel safe, and stay in control of your life.
This course is simple and very user friendly!
Why put up with your anxiety and discomfort any longer, when in a matter of minutes you could be feeling as calm as a cucumber!
Haha... 😂 I have no idea where that saying came from, but I love it!
I've been teaching breathings for nearly 3 decades... It works and it works fast!